Seems that I can't pass, is always my turn..
Dices are hanging from my fingers
Keep playing
Never stop
I don't need this anymore,
Is much more than I can handle
Handle hands, Hands holding heads
Who'll hold mine?
Me? I'm holding others,
is not fair to let them fall, at all.
Will I bounce back?
Will I EVER bounce back?
Sometimes it seems that I'm meant
to bounce, but around,
chasing my tail,
biting it, maybe a little,
maybe a little too much.
Maybe I just have to embrace the idea,
that fairy tales happen to others.
Am I suppose to still be
'the fucked up girl who's trying to find
her own peace of mind'?
Nobody gets
this fucking psych o' mine.
La Maga
2 comentarios:
Abro los ojos y veo 3°. El clima no me sonrie. Salgo a la calle poniendo el pecho a la rutina, y las caras de la gente extraña (cual jim morrison) no me sonrien. La tarde es eterna cuando te rodean mentes cerradas que no hacen mas que agobiar las ganas de improvisar diversion. Pero, la tarde es efímera cuando las tareas a realizar abundan por demas. El tiempo no me sonrie.
La vida no me sonrie. Pero estoy contento. No busco motivaciones. Pero me encuentran. LLegando a la medianoche decido entrar a un lugar poco visitado ultimamente. Y me pregunto: podria haber un blog mas oscuro y mas depresivo? Seguramente que si. Pero conozco pocos.
Internet no me sonrie. Tu blog no me sonrie. Pero yo estoy contento.
Odio los posteos en ingles¡¡¡
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